Idę ulicą i myślę, dlaczego nie można cofnąć czasu. Tyle rzeczy zrobiłabym inaczej.
I mimo, że mamy niczego nie żałować, jak śpiewała Edith Piaf, to jednak do końca tak nie umiem. Słucham starej muzyki i przed oczami mam różne obrazy. Czasem naprawdę dawne. I na myśl o nich, pozostaje mi albo uśmiechnąć się pod nosem, albo tylko westchnąć.
Zawsze lubiłam wspominać, oglądać filmy i fotografie, to pomaga na dłużej zachować je w pamięci. Mi udaje się zapamiętywać wyraźnie także smaki i zapachy. Dlatego na ulicy potrafię obejrzeć się za kimś, kto pachnie jakoś dla mnie szczególnie.
Czas mija nieubłaganie, mam wrażenie, że z wiekiem coraz szybciej. Żyję od weekendu do weekendu, wtedy staram się złapać głębszy oddech. Nie chcę i nie staram się żyć przeszłością - to nie ma sensu. Mam w sobie tylko tęsknotę za dawnymi czasami, gdy wszystko było tak łatwe. A wówczas o tym nie wiedziałam. Gdy naprawdę wiele rzeczy było na wyciągnięcie ręki, a ja nadal szukałam. I czasem myślę, że szukam do dziś.
I'm walking down the street, thinking why can't I turn back time. So many things I would do differently. And even though we should have nothing to regret, as Edith Piaf used to sing, still I am not able to be like this. I'm listening to old music and having many different images in my head. Sometimes really old ones. And, thinking about them, I can either smile to myself, or just sigh.
I've always liked to recollect, to watch videos and old photos, as it helps to keep them longer in our memory. I also have this ability to remember tastes and smells very clearly. Therefore, on the street I happen to turn my head for someone who smells in a particularly special way to me.
Time passes inexorably and, I feel, it does it faster when I am getting older. I live from weekend to weekend, trying to catch a deeper breath. I don't want to and don't try to live in the past - it doesn't make sense. I simply feel this longing for the old times when everything was so easy. And then I didn't know that. When a lot of things were at my doorstep and, despite it, I was still seeking. And sometimes I think I'm still seeking today.
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I've always liked to recollect, to watch videos and old photos, as it helps to keep them longer in our memory. I also have this ability to remember tastes and smells very clearly. Therefore, on the street I happen to turn my head for someone who smells in a particularly special way to me.
Time passes inexorably and, I feel, it does it faster when I am getting older. I live from weekend to weekend, trying to catch a deeper breath. I don't want to and don't try to live in the past - it doesn't make sense. I simply feel this longing for the old times when everything was so easy. And then I didn't know that. When a lot of things were at my doorstep and, despite it, I was still seeking. And sometimes I think I'm still seeking today.
All pics from