Pogoda nas nie rozpieszcza. Chociaż początek czerwca wyglądał obiecująco, to mniej więcej od jego połowy aż do teraz - leje. Z przerwami, ale jednak. Dzisiaj, opuściwszy miejsce pracy, szłam spokojnie do domu, nawiedzając po drodze pobliską księgarnię, gdy nagle niebo ściemniało i nad stolicą przeszedł prawdziwy tropikalny tajfun. Ciekawie było to oglądać znad przewodnika po Grecji (i zza szyby), jednak pytanie, które w całym tym zamieszaniu brzęczało jak bąk w głowie: "To ma być lato??", odbierało czar tym niespotykanym na ziemi polskiej urokom natury.
I trzeba zwrócić honor amerykańskim naukowcom, którzy taką pogodę prognozowali na tegoroczne lato w Polsce. Zwyciężyli zatem ci, którzy wybrali w tym roku urlop za granicą, a nie pod polską chmurką. A właściwie chmurą. Choć wciąż trzymam kciuki za poprawę aury, bo - oprócz planów wyjazdowych - mam też lokalne. Z namiotem włącznie.
I dzisiaj, gdy zobaczyłam, że mamy ostatni dzień czerwca, pomyślałam, że to niemożliwe. Że to już 1/3 lata za nami, a ja wciąż jestem nieopalona. Choć z zapasem kapeluszy, bo po latach fascynacji butami, torebkami i biżuterią, przyszła kolej na te - wcześniej uważane przeze mnie za całkowicie zbędne - nakrycia głowy. Co świadczy o tym, że i owszem, człowiek zmienia się - wciąż i nieustannie. Trudno mi wręcz za sobą nadążyć.
I mam zamiar je nosić - nie tylko na wakacjach.
I mam zamiar je nosić - nie tylko na wakacjach.
The weather does not spoil us. Although the beginning of June looked promising, from about half of month up to now - it's raining cats and dogs. With breaks, but nevertheless. Today,
having left the workplace, I was walking quietly home, haunting the nearby
bookstore when the sky suddenly darkened and the real tropical typhoon
passed over the capital city. It was interesting to watch it over the guide to Greece (and from behind the
glass), but the question, which in all this confusion was buzzing in the
head: "You call 'this' summer?", took away the charm of this unique phenomenon of nature in Poland.
And we need to pay honour to American scientists who have exatly accurate weather forecast for this summer in Poland. So those who chose to spend their summer holidays abroad and not under the Polish little cloud, were the ones who won. In fact, under a huge cloud. Although I keep my fingers crossed for the improvement of the aura, because - apart from travelling abroad plans - I have also local ones. Including a tent.
And today, when I saw we had the last day of June, I thought it was impossible. That is already 1/3 of summer behind us, and I still haven't tanned. Although with hats in bulk, because after years of fascination with shoes, purses and jewelry, it came to those - previously regarded as completely unnecessary - headgear. What proves that a human being changes constantly and constantly. It's hard for me to keep up with myself even. And I'm going to wear them - not just on vacation.
And we need to pay honour to American scientists who have exatly accurate weather forecast for this summer in Poland. So those who chose to spend their summer holidays abroad and not under the Polish little cloud, were the ones who won. In fact, under a huge cloud. Although I keep my fingers crossed for the improvement of the aura, because - apart from travelling abroad plans - I have also local ones. Including a tent.
And today, when I saw we had the last day of June, I thought it was impossible. That is already 1/3 of summer behind us, and I still haven't tanned. Although with hats in bulk, because after years of fascination with shoes, purses and jewelry, it came to those - previously regarded as completely unnecessary - headgear. What proves that a human being changes constantly and constantly. It's hard for me to keep up with myself even. And I'm going to wear them - not just on vacation.