Kupiłam nowe buty i czekam na wiosnę, żeby móc w nich chodzić.
Ale pogoda płata figle i znowu jest chłodno. Niestety prognozy na najbliższy tydzień nie są zbyt optymistyczne i, pakując walizkę na Wielkanoc, wrzucę tam także czapkę...
Trochę na przekór tej byle-jakiej aurze za oknem, jem ananasa i słucham szumu morza. Cały rok marzę o wakacjach, a upałem i słońcem cieszę się jak mało kto. Tak, dziewczyna z Suwałk - polskiego bieguna zimna, kocha lato. Najlepiej przez okrągły rok.
Fajnie jest dać sobie szansę i próbować nowych rzeczy. Choć czasem ze strachu aż boli brzuch. Kiedy życie zaczyna przypominać rutynę, samemu trzeba zadbać o to, by je zmienić. Nie warto czekać, że ktoś czymś nas zaskoczy. I sprawi, że znowu będzie ciekawie. Że "nowe" przyjdzie samo - wystarczy tylko poczekać. Jako osoba z natury niecierpliwa, nie wierzę w takie rzeczy. Być może nie na wszystko mamy wpływ, ale to my sami nadajemy kierunek zmianom.
Chcesz mieć męża ze słonecznej Italii, ale (najwyraźniej) tam nie mieszkasz? Zapisz się na lekcje włoskiego, kup bilet do Rzymu czy Mediolanu i koniecznie zapomnij wziąć przewodnik. 'Pizza' i 'prosecco' po włosku brzmią tak samo. Na pewno się dogadacie.
I bought new shoes and wait for spring to wear them. But the weather plays tricks and it's cold again. Unfortunately, the forecasts for the next week are not too optimistic
and, packing my suitcase for Easter, I'll also take a beanie ...
In spite of not so good aura outside, I eat pineapple and listen to the noise of sea. All year I dream of holidays and when it's sunny and hot - I am happy like nobody else. Yes, a girl from Suwalki - Polish northpole, loves summer. All year round, that would be the best.
It's fun to give yourself a chance and try new things. Although sometimes your stomach hurts because of fear. When life begins to resemble a routine, one needs to take care of it, to change them. It is rather not worth waiting that someone will surprise us with something. And will make things interesting again. That "new" will come eventually - you just have to sit and wait. As a person impatient by nature, I do not believe in such things. Perhaps we do not have influence on everything, but it's us who give direction for change.
You want to have a husband from sunny Italy but (apparently) you don't live there? Sign up for Italian lessons, buy a ticket to Rome or Milan and be sure to forget taking a guide with you. 'Pizza' and 'prosecco' in Italian sound the same. You will certainly get along.
In spite of not so good aura outside, I eat pineapple and listen to the noise of sea. All year I dream of holidays and when it's sunny and hot - I am happy like nobody else. Yes, a girl from Suwalki - Polish northpole, loves summer. All year round, that would be the best.
It's fun to give yourself a chance and try new things. Although sometimes your stomach hurts because of fear. When life begins to resemble a routine, one needs to take care of it, to change them. It is rather not worth waiting that someone will surprise us with something. And will make things interesting again. That "new" will come eventually - you just have to sit and wait. As a person impatient by nature, I do not believe in such things. Perhaps we do not have influence on everything, but it's us who give direction for change.
You want to have a husband from sunny Italy but (apparently) you don't live there? Sign up for Italian lessons, buy a ticket to Rome or Milan and be sure to forget taking a guide with you. 'Pizza' and 'prosecco' in Italian sound the same. You will certainly get along.