Zmiany. Czasem nieuchronne, są wynikiem upływu czasu. Innym razem przychodzą
niespodziewanie. Albo też musimy podjąć trudną decyzję, by się
dokonały. Dlaczego tak bardzo się ich boimy? Z wygody, strachu przed nieznanym. Bo to, co jest - mimo, że nie zawsze najlepsze, to jednak powtarzalne - daje jakieś poczucie bezpieczeństwa.
Nawet dla mnie, osoby niestałej, może nawet trochę nieprzewidywalnej, bojącej się rutyny i nudy, zmiany kojarzą się w pierwszej chwili z czymś trudnym i niemiłym. Bo konsekwencje zmian widoczne i odczuwalne są zwykle dopiero później - gdy opadną emocje, wrażenia. Gdy staną się nieodłączną częścią codziennego życia, kolejnym puzzlem w naszej układance.
Wtedy ocenimy, czy wyszły nam na dobre.
Ale czy rzeczywiście warto bać się zmian? Oczekiwać, że będzie trudno. Że sporo czasu upłynie, nim zdołamy się przyzwyczaić do nowej rzeczywistości. Wczoraj wieczorem znalazłam w telefonie notatkę ze stycznia 2013 r. Coś, co normalnie skasowałabym po tygodniu, w dziwny sposób zachowało się. Rok temu napisałam w jednym krótkim zdaniu, jak wyglądało moje ówczesne życie. Wnioski? Cieszę się z tych wszystkich zmian, jakie w nim zaszły. W moim przypadku nowe okazało się lepszym.
Changes. Sometimes they're an inevitable result of the passage of time. Another time, they come unexpectedly. Or we have to make a difficult decision so they can happen. Why are we so afraid of them? Because of convenience or fear of the unknown. Cause the things as they are - even though not always the best, yet still repetitive - give us some sense of security.
Even for me, a person unstable, maybe even a little unpredictable, fearing of a routine and boredom, changes are associated with something difficult and unpleasant at first. As consequences of changes are seen and felt usually much later - when excitement and emotions are over. When they become an integral part of everyday life, as the next piece in our puzzle. Then we'll be able to say whether they turned out to be good for us.
But is this really worth being afraid of changes? Expecting them to be difficult. Thinking that much time will pass before we'll be able to get used to the new reality. Last night I found a note on the phone from January 2013. Something that I would normally delete after a week, has been preserved in a strange way. A year ago I wrote, in one short sentence, what was my life like those days. Conclusion? I am pleased with all the changes that have taken place in in it. In my case, the new turned out to be better.
Even for me, a person unstable, maybe even a little unpredictable, fearing of a routine and boredom, changes are associated with something difficult and unpleasant at first. As consequences of changes are seen and felt usually much later - when excitement and emotions are over. When they become an integral part of everyday life, as the next piece in our puzzle. Then we'll be able to say whether they turned out to be good for us.
But is this really worth being afraid of changes? Expecting them to be difficult. Thinking that much time will pass before we'll be able to get used to the new reality. Last night I found a note on the phone from January 2013. Something that I would normally delete after a week, has been preserved in a strange way. A year ago I wrote, in one short sentence, what was my life like those days. Conclusion? I am pleased with all the changes that have taken place in in it. In my case, the new turned out to be better.