Czasem wydaje nam się, że nie będziemy szczęśliwi bez - i tu sobie wymieniamy różne elementy naszego życia. A przecież to nie o to chodzi. Sama byłam zdziwiona, że nie tylko umiem żyć bez konkretnej osoby, ale też, że jednak jestem szczęśliwa. Co więcej, szczęśliwsza niż na przestrzeni wcześniejszych kilku lat. Że wcale nie muszę co roku jechać na zagraniczne wakacje.
Dla każdego szczęście to coś innego. Ale nigdy wspaniała kariera, piękna żona czy wspaniały mąż albo wakacje w egzotycznym miejscu nie będą życiowym spełnieniem, gdy nie będziemy czuli sensu w tym, co robimy i jak żyjemy. Gdy ciągle jakiś uporczywy głos będzie nam szeptał, że musimy szukać dalej, bo idziemy nie tędy, gdzie trzeba.
Patrzymy na innych swoimi oczami i nie rozumiemy, jak można nie lubić podróżować i jak to możliwe, że kogoś cieszy co roku ten sam dom na Mazurach. Że nasz kolega rezygnuje z pracy w dobrej firmie, choć obiecali mu awans. Albo kogoś, kto opuszcza wielkie miasto i jedzie za granicę, choć nie ma żadnego planu. Nie możemy pojąć, jak nasza przyjaciółka może żyć sama i nie chcieć pójść na aranżowaną randkę z bardzo przystojnym znajomym. To przecież niemożliwe, że jest szczęśliwa. Sama?
Gdy to, co mówisz jest tym, co myślisz, a myśli w Twojej głowie są zgodne z tym, co masz w sercu, to chyba właśnie jest szczęście.
Sometimes it seems that we will not be happy without - and here we list some various elements of our lives. And that's not the point. The truth is I was surprised that not only I was able to live without a particular person, but also that I was actually happy. What's more, even happier than before over past few years. That actually I do not have to go on foreign holidays every year.
Everybody perceives happiness differently. But never a great career, a beautiful wife or a wonderful husband or vacation in an exotic location will constitute a fulfilled life when we do not feel sense in what we do and how we live. When still a persistent voice whispers to us that we need to look further because this is not the right way.
We look at others through our eyes and do not understand how one may not like to travel, and how is it possible that someone enjoys every year the same house in Mazuria. That our colleague quits his job in a nice firm, even have been promised to get a promotion. Or someone who leaves a big city and goes abroad, although there is no plan. We cannot understand how our friend can live alone and does not want to go on arranged date with a very handsome friend of ours. It's impossible that she is happy, isn't it? Being single?
If what you say is what you think, and the thoughts in your head are consistent with what you have in your heart, that's probably what they call happiness.
Everybody perceives happiness differently. But never a great career, a beautiful wife or a wonderful husband or vacation in an exotic location will constitute a fulfilled life when we do not feel sense in what we do and how we live. When still a persistent voice whispers to us that we need to look further because this is not the right way.
We look at others through our eyes and do not understand how one may not like to travel, and how is it possible that someone enjoys every year the same house in Mazuria. That our colleague quits his job in a nice firm, even have been promised to get a promotion. Or someone who leaves a big city and goes abroad, although there is no plan. We cannot understand how our friend can live alone and does not want to go on arranged date with a very handsome friend of ours. It's impossible that she is happy, isn't it? Being single?
If what you say is what you think, and the thoughts in your head are consistent with what you have in your heart, that's probably what they call happiness.