Znowu sypie śnieg. To nic dziwnego w lutym, który chyba zawsze w Polsce jest typowo "zimowym" miesiącem. Dopiero w marcu można liczyć na pierwsze oznaki wiosny. No, chyba, że jest się w tym względzie marzycielem - jak ja. Po weekendzie spędzonym w rodzinnych, śnieżnych Suwałkach (tak, tak - polskim biegunie zimna!), niedzielnego wieczoru z ulgą wjeżdżałam do Warszawy - chodniki były czyste i suche. W głowie miałam już super plan na ten tydzień - będę biegać :) Dlatego moje zdziwienie dzisiejszego poranka było dość spektakularne - jeszcze wieczorem nic nie zapowiadało, że rano znów będę musiała odśnieżać samochód... A więc - zimo - witaj z powrotem. Żegnaj - miejski joggingu.
It's snowing again. It's no wonder in February which - I think - in Poland is always a typical "winter" month. It is only in March when you can expect the first signs of spring. Well, unless you are a dreamer in this respect - like me. After a weekend spent in my hometown - Suwałki (North-East part of Poland) - yes, yes: a Polish extreme cold winter pole, on Sunday evening I was coming into Warsaw with a relief - the sidewalks were clean and dry. In my head I've made a great plan for this week - I will go jogging :) So my surprise this morning was quite spectacular - yet nothing last evening announced that in the morning I would have to remove snow from my car again ... So - winter - welcome back. Goodbye - city jogging.
It's snowing again. It's no wonder in February which - I think - in Poland is always a typical "winter" month. It is only in March when you can expect the first signs of spring. Well, unless you are a dreamer in this respect - like me. After a weekend spent in my hometown - Suwałki (North-East part of Poland) - yes, yes: a Polish extreme cold winter pole, on Sunday evening I was coming into Warsaw with a relief - the sidewalks were clean and dry. In my head I've made a great plan for this week - I will go jogging :) So my surprise this morning was quite spectacular - yet nothing last evening announced that in the morning I would have to remove snow from my car again ... So - winter - welcome back. Goodbye - city jogging.
W takie dni oglądam zdjęcia z podróży. I marzę. Gdybym miała możliwość spakować walizkę, kupić wycieczkę last minute i wsiąść w pierwszy (sprawny) samolot - gdzie bym poleciała? Na pewno gdzieś, gdzie temperatura przekracza 25 stopni, a plaża i morze są tuż za rogiem...
On such days I look at the pictures from my summer holidays and travels. And I am dreaming. If I was able to pack my suitcase now, buy a last minute trip and take the first (yet efficient) aircraft - where would I go? Surely somewhere where the temperature exceeds 25 degrees and the beach and the sea are just around the corner...
On such days I look at the pictures from my summer holidays and travels. And I am dreaming. If I was able to pack my suitcase now, buy a last minute trip and take the first (yet efficient) aircraft - where would I go? Surely somewhere where the temperature exceeds 25 degrees and the beach and the sea are just around the corner...
Może Kuba - moja podróż w roku 2009 do tej krainy słonecznego socjalizmu, ze szlagierami Buena Vista Social Club w tle, była zbyt krótka. Został mi ogromny niedosyt.
Maybe Cuba - my trip to the land of the sunny socialism and the well known songs of Buena Vista Social Club in the background, was too short in 2009. I remained unsatisfied.
Maybe Cuba - my trip to the land of the sunny socialism and the well known songs of Buena Vista Social Club in the background, was too short in 2009. I remained unsatisfied.
Uwielbiam także Grecję, zwłaszcza wyspiarską. Moim ostatnim doświadczeniem było Rodos. Wcześniej Zakynthos. W Helladzie odpowiada mi wszystko - klimat, jedzenie, ludzie. Nie potrzebuję niczego więcej. Jednak o tej porze roku jest tam jeszcze zbyt chłodno na relaks na plaży...
I also love Greece, especially insular. My last experience was Rhodes. Earlier Zakynthos. In Hellas everything suits me - the climate, the food, the people. I don't need anything more. However, at this time of year it is still too cold to relax on the beach ...
I also love Greece, especially insular. My last experience was Rhodes. Earlier Zakynthos. In Hellas everything suits me - the climate, the food, the people. I don't need anything more. However, at this time of year it is still too cold to relax on the beach ...
I have visited Arabic countriesa few times - Egypt and Tunisia. And while I liked the monuments from the times of the Pharaohs - the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, the Pyramids, the Sphinx, the Cairo Museum (the whole trip was waiting for me and my friend then because we just stood there staring at the mummified bodies of the Pharaohs...) and Carthage - still in these countries I just do not know how to rest. I'm not the type of traveller who is sitting in a hotel with all inclusive option and only tans by the pool. I have to walk, to explore, to soak up the atmosphere of the place, to bathe in the sea, to eat local food and go shopping. Unfortunately - such output in Egypt and Tunisia - ended for me the same - I became nervous and uncomfortable. I blame my blond hair and blue eyes. So "exotic" for Arabs. If you do not mind continuous taunts and comments, feel free to visit Egypt, Tunisia, and Turkey.
Oglądam zdjęcia i zerkam za okno - tak naprawdę wszystkie miejsca, które dotąd odwiedziłam były na swój sposób ciekawe i piękne. Jedne gorące i parne, jak Kuba, Grecja, inne gorące i suche - Tunezja czy Egipt, były też miejsca bardziej umiarkowane - jak Teneryfa. Mogłabym pojechać właściwie wszędzie. Chociaż wolałabym zobaczyć jakieś nowe miejsce - wybór padłby pewnie na któryś z krajów azjatyckich - Tajlandię, Indie, Indonezję albo na Amerykę Południową.
I look at the pictures, then I look out the window - in fact all the places I have visited so far were - in their own way - interesting and beautiful. Some were hot and steamy - like Cuba, Greece, other were hot and dry - e.g. Tunisia and Egypt. There were also more mild ones like Tenerife. I could go anywhere actually. Although I would prefer to see a new place - the choice would probably be one of the Asian countries - Thailand, India, Indonesia, or South America.
Dawno nie byłam na wakacjach. Odczuwam to zwłaszcza zimą, w takie dni, jak dziś. Wbrew pozorom - nie lubię zimy ani śniegu, choć pochodzę z Suwałk. Jestem zdecydowanie "letnim" typem. Nigdy nie jest mi za gorąco, lubię się opalać (zawsze z filtrem!), chodzić w bikini i szortach, uwielbiam kuchnię śródziemnomorską. W lato czuję się i wyglądam najlepiej. To wręcz ironia losu, że urodziłam się na "polskim biegunie zimna"! Muszę zaznaczyć jednak, że zimno jest tu tylko zimą i jesienią, wiosna także przychodzi później, ale lato jest tak samo gorące, jak w Warszawie czy Zakopanem. Ostatnie lato 2012 roku było wręcz nieprawdopodobnie gorące. Woda w jeziorze i przydomowym basenie nie przynosiła ochłody.
I haven't been on vacation for quite a long time now. I feel it especially in the winter, in those days - like today. In spite of appearances - even though I come from Suwałki, I don't like winter or snow. I am a "summer" type for sure. It's never too hot for me, I like to sunbathe (always with an SPF!), I like to wear a bikini and shorts, I love Mediterranean cuisine. In the summer I feel and look good. It's quite ironic that I was born on the "Polish winter pole"! I must point out, however, that it's only cold in winter and autumn, spring also comes later, but summer is as hot as in Warsaw and Krakow. Last summer 2012 it was almost unbelievably hot. The water in lakes and in our garden pool did not bring any refreshing.
I haven't been on vacation for quite a long time now. I feel it especially in the winter, in those days - like today. In spite of appearances - even though I come from Suwałki, I don't like winter or snow. I am a "summer" type for sure. It's never too hot for me, I like to sunbathe (always with an SPF!), I like to wear a bikini and shorts, I love Mediterranean cuisine. In the summer I feel and look good. It's quite ironic that I was born on the "Polish winter pole"! I must point out, however, that it's only cold in winter and autumn, spring also comes later, but summer is as hot as in Warsaw and Krakow. Last summer 2012 it was almost unbelievably hot. The water in lakes and in our garden pool did not bring any refreshing.
I am waiting for spring. Then for my beloved summer. I have two pairs of new stilettos and one new - sandals. When I was buying them, I wanted to "disenchant" winter weather a little. Unfortunately, they have to wait to be worn. My iPhone shows only snow this week.
A gdzie Wy chcielibyście się wybrać?
And where would you like to go?
And where would you like to go?
Piosenka Sophie E. Bextor & Armina van Buurena. Kocham ten teledysk.
2 komentarze:
Ja chyba zdecydowanie najlepiej wspominam Meksyk i też czuję, że się powoli wypalam już we wszystkim co robię i potrzebuję słońca i wakacji; wyjechać gdzieś chociaż na trochę i odpocząć. Nawet chyba bym się skusiła na to, co do mnie nie podobne czyli 30 stopni, smażing & plażing ;-)
Fajne :))))))
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